We must deal with this truth: God loves humble people. What does it mean to be humble? It is defined as a modest or low view of one’s own importance. How do we grow in humility? By having a clear view of God.
Read MoreBecause pride infects the motives, even the most spiritual actions, like praying, giving and serving, can be rooted entirely in arrogance and self-love. So how can we spot an unseen enemy? Let me offer one litmus test for pride: entitlement.
Read MorePride—a desire to exalt oneself—is like an iceberg. It exists in the unseen realm of the heart and has many facets. Unlike the sins of adultery or addiction, pride cannot easily be spotted above the surface through actions. Because it infects the motives, any action, good or bad, can be contaminated with pride.
Read MoreChronicling your life is not the only function a journal can serve; those blank pages can be used in so many other ways! I'd like to share some pages from my own journals in the hope that it will get the creative juices flowing as you consider what it could look like for you to engage with God and seek Him with all your heart.
Read MoreLikely many will affirm that knowing and loving the Bible key. After all, this is the foundation of our faith! Yet, in that quiet moment when you open its pages, the Bible can also be incredibly intimidating. Here are a few suggestions to make this task doable.
Read MoreWhy should we read the Bible every day? Does it make a difference? Is it just something good Christians do? Or is it a legalistic habit that’s unnecessary to a healthy walk with God? If we don't understand why it matters, we likely won't make it a priority. Here are five analogies to bring to life the purposes of a consistent, daily study of God's Word.
Read MoreWhat inner circle do you want to be in? Who are those "important people" in your life? These are the people who you keep your eye out for. Those you search for reasons to strike up a conversation with. The ones you don't want to miss when you walk through the halls or the lobby after church.
Read MoreI married a humble, godly, romantic man at twenty years old. Did I mention he just happens to have a phenomenal voice and is a gifted songwriter? He writes me songs, loves Jesus like crazy, and because of his music career, we've traveled the world together. Every girls' dream, right? Yet, exactly two weeks into marriage, I wrote this in my journal:
"Why am I so unhappy? So scared and confused?”
Surprised? I was too. Let me explain.
Read MoreIf I'm being gut-level honest, I just want to be awesome on my own and have some bit of glory for myself. I don't really like to live in the reality that apart from Christ I can do nothing. And because my Father loves me, He has set up circumstances in my life to sanctify this sinful tendency out of me.
Read MoreCould you live without Social Media? How many hours a day do you spend looking at news feeds and pictures? What is the result of a life of constant entertainment, connectivity, and distraction? What is the condition of the soul dulled with a steady input of mindless screen-watching?
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