For many, friends now play the role of family, but often our friendships don't turn out quite as we envisioned or hoped. Bible teacher Kelly Needham debunks our world's constricted, small view of friendship and casts a richer, more life-giving, biblical vision for friendship.

In Friend-ish, Kelly Needham takes a close look at what Scripture says about friendship. She reveals the distorted view most of us have of it and recasts a glorious vision for a Christian understanding.

With hard-fought wisdom, a clear view of Scripture, and been-there perspective, Needham shows us

  • how to recognize symptoms of idolatry and dependency;

  • how to understand and address the problems that arise in friendship--from neediness to discord and even sexual temptation; and

  • how to reorient toward the purposeful, loving relationships we all crave that ultimately bring us closer to God.



A companion guide to Friend-ish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion.

In the arena of friendship, there are endless varieties of circumstances. This means there is no cookie-cutter way to fight for a real, Christ-centered friendship. What will be right for me may not be right for you. And what works in one season of your life might not work in another. So these questions and exercises are meant to help you think through how to fight for real friendship in your own life. Today.

Every chapter in this Going Deeper Guide includes:

  • A Personal Reflection Section for individual use.

  • Group Discussion Questions and Exercises

  • A Ministry Leader Section for pastors, youth leaders, coaches, campus ministry leaders and more with specific questions about how to foster healthy communities for yourself and those you lead.



Kelly wrote a chapter in this book titled, “Jehosheba: God’s Faithfulness in Obscurity.”

As they examine the stories of incredible women of the Bible, readers will find hope, encouragement, and a strong sense of community in this beautiful, eclectic collection of writing, photos, and lyrics that reflect God’s faithfulness. Bringing together some of the most beloved Christian authors and songwriters of today, Faithful guides readers through the pages of Scripture to increase understanding of how God has always valued the integral role of females and how that shapes the lives of women today.

The Faithful project is a collaboration between three major ministry partners: David C Cook, Integrity Music, and Compassion International. The accompanying album and a 2021 tour of live events celebrates the contributions of women while recognizing their empowerment through the faithfulness of God.

This beautiful, creative book will invite readers to return again and again for reflection and inspiration through guided scripture reading and writing prompts.


Beautifully Distinct: Conversations with Friends on Faith, Life, and Culture

Kelly wrote a chapter titled “When Food Becomes a False Gospel.”

How should we listen to, and think in a gospel way about, the ordinary things we come across in modern life? Things we watch, read, eat, and do. There are so many voices saying so many different things that the temptations are to either disengage completely, or find ourselves being influenced more and more by the world.

In this book, godly, clear-thinking women talk about a range of areas of life and culture. They help us to be thoughtful about films, books, and the media; set out biblical principles for approaching topics such as body image and racism; and encourage us to shape the world around us for Christ—becoming beautifully distinct.


Trying: Reflections On Faith Through Infertility, Miscarriage & Loss

Kelly wrote the forward and shared her own story in chapter 2 of this book.

Trying is a collection of women’s personal journeys through infertility, miscarriage, failed IVF, adoption loss and other devastating experiences while trying to become a mother. Their stories, ages and circumstances are all different, but they have one thing in common: it didn’t go the way they planned.

Years ago, Emily Gentiles and Lindsay Schott began this project, asking their friends, “How has God formed your heart through this?” These are their answers.

With gracious candor, these women offer refuge to anyone hurting. Their stories aren’t a recipe for success and don’t wrap deep ache in a pretty bow. Instead, they invite you into the compassionate and patient arms of Jesus through this fellowship of suffering. No matter your story, circumstance, or current relationship with God, this book will remind you that you are not alone in your pain. You are not alone in the darkness you battle. In fact, you are in good company.


Joven Verdadera

Kelly wrote a chapter in this book titled “Necesito relaciones que honren a Christo.” (“I need Christ-honoring relationships”)

Vive de forma que el evangelio luzca hermoso ante quienes te rodean.

Joven Verdadera te ayudará a atesorar a Cristo sobre todas las cosas.

El mundo te invita a dejarte llevar por su ola de placeres hasta arrastrarte a la destrucción. Dios te llama a hacer todo lo contrario. Su voluntad es que permanezcas firme en su verdad. ¡Él te ha provisto todo lo que necesitas para que vivas en libertad y plenitud! Descúbrelo en el libro Joven Verdadera.

The world wants you to let yourself be carried away by its wave of pleasures and destruction. God calls you to do the opposite. His will is that you remain solidly in his truth. He has provided you with everything you need to live in freedom and fullness! Find out how in True Young Woman.


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