The phrase "wait on God" is always an affirmation of the reliability of God to come through for His people. Not only that, "wait on God" and "hope in God" are often used synonymously.
Read MoreNothing is more attractive to me than feeling like I have the power to change my life and the promise of 7 easy steps entices me to click through and keep reading. I like feeling in control, like I have the power to change myself. Simultaneously, the thought of not reading makes me wonder, "How will I know if I've said any of the 5 things I should never tell my kids?" And then Jesus said, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing."
Read MoreEvery one of us is susceptible to falling into pride. But it is the Pharisee's religious pride that is the most dangerous because it doesn't appear prideful on the outside, instead it has the external appearance of holiness.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to be a Pharisee? How do we avoid their condemnable way of life? Here are a few identifying characteristics of these self-righteous, religious, anti-Jesus people.
Read MoreEven though I fell in love with Jesus early in my life, there grew an inward bent of my soul, slowly and stealthily, that was hardly noticeable. I'm not sure exactly how it started. Maybe it was the subconscious joy I found in the acclaim of people in being such a "good Christian." Maybe I couldn't help but notice how much "better" I was than my peers. Somewhere along the way, I began to delight in my good works more than the work of Jesus.
Read MoreThe first shall be your slave, the greatest shall be your servant. This goes against the grain of every natural inclination in me. It is my default to see how I can climb the ladder of greatness, whether in the realm of motherhood, the world of blogging, or within my own circles of friends. I often find myself trying to become "greater" without even realizing it.
Read MoreThere is this concept that has been propagated through an abundance of romantic comedies as well as our American Christian culture that we all have one perfect soul mate out there somewhere. But I want to propose that this idea of "the one" is a myth and is an idea that is actually bringing more harm than good to those who embrace it.
Read MoreI see a "known way": what I want to happen. But the promise is that God's way, even though it is unknown, is much better than what I can see. But it is the unknown that terrifies me, which is what keeps me from trusting God. I am unsure of what He will do if I trust Him, so instead I choose my own way.
Read MoreOver and over the message I hear is this: children are a burden and an inconvenience. How sad that one of the most exciting adventures we are privileged to embark on is often clouded with pessimism.
Read MoreThe love of God... is it true that it overwhelms and satisfies my soul? We sing this song and others like it with such passion on Sunday mornings, but often live a life that screams "God isn't enough for me. I need X, Y, or Z to be content, happy, and fulfilled."
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