Posts in Marriage
Valentine's Day is Not About You

How did Valentine's day become "I-need-someone-to-make-much-of-me day"? The popular idea of love conjures up images of being served and doted on by others. So if you don't have someone buying you flowers, sending you notes, and telling you you're awesome on Valentine's day, it then becomes an excuse to be angry and depressed.

Christian, your view of love should be markedly different than this. 

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Marriage Gone Wrong: when codependency highjacks a beautiful union

Unfortunately, codependency in marriage is an assumed reality for many. The truth is, most of us struggle to believe God is enough for us, so we are continually looking to people to make us feel ok. Because of this, a marriage can become a place where we finally feel like being codependent is acceptable. We hope, like the movies have portrayed, that we can bank on this person to fill the deepest parts of our longings and be the one on whom our general sense of wellbeing rests.

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[Friendship Gone Wrong] The Trend of Romanticization

BFFs have become the new couple. Can’t find a boyfriend? Just get a best friend. Emotionally, a best friend can now fulfill all the same things a boyfriend can. It may feel like your best friend is the only person who truly gets you. She can make you feel loved, give you somewhere to belong, and make you feel needed. Your BFF can easily become a placeholder until you get that boyfriend or husband you’ve always wanted.

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The Best Marriage I Never Wanted

I married a humble, godly, romantic man at twenty years old. Did I mention he just happens to have a phenomenal voice and is a gifted songwriter? He writes me songs, loves Jesus like crazy, and because of his music career, we've traveled the world together. Every girls' dream, right? Yet, exactly two weeks into marriage, I wrote this in my journal:

"Why am I so unhappy? So scared and confused?”

Surprised? I was too. Let me explain.

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Closet Pharisee

Even though I fell in love with Jesus early in my life, there grew an inward bent of my soul, slowly and stealthily, that was hardly noticeable.  I'm not sure exactly how it started.  Maybe it was the subconscious joy I found in the acclaim of people in being such a "good Christian."  Maybe I couldn't help but notice how much "better" I was than my peers.  Somewhere along the way, I began to delight in my good works more than the work of Jesus. 

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A Greater End

To what end am I seeking excellence as a wife and mother? Is it because that's what I'm supposed to do? Or because Scripture calls me to consider others as better than myself? I know that God values my roles as wife and mother, so maybe that is why I am supposed to strive to be good at them. Maybe it's simply because I love my husband and daughter and serving them is a natural response. 

Though all those things are good reasons, there is still a greater end than this.

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